Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Photos and more photos!!

Since hostel got wireless...i can finally on9 frequently..and post frequently!! haha
anyway the worst of the exams is over..taking a breather..(breaths in loudly and exhales).
Here are some photos i took in Malaysia!!

Damn Old


Meanwhile, today as i was reading the Straits Times..on the cover page..

" Habitual truant Tan Wei Liang knew he had run out of excuses when school counsellor Michelle Lee......"

YO, wei liang, not bad ar u, can appear on the papers..FRONT page somemore man!! oh my god!!


In our notes, it says that firms in a monopolistic market or a monopoly is still productive efficient in the long run as it is producing on its according to the notes, all points on the LRAC are considered to be productive efficient.

In wikipedia...

The long-run average cost curve depicts the per unit cost of producing a good or service in the long run when all inputs are variable. The curve is created as an envelope of an infinite number of short-run average total cost curves. The envelope is based on the point of each short-run ATC curve that provides the lowest possible average cost for each quantity of output. The LRAC curve is U-shaped, reflecting economies of scale when negatively-sloped and diseconomies of scale when positively sloped. In the long run, when all factors of production can be changed, the scale of the enterprise can be increased. In this case productive efficiency occurs at the optimum scale of output where all the possible economies of scale have been enjoyed and the firm is not large enough to experience diseconomies of scale.

So, who is right??
I have my own theory..for a monopolist, since it is deliberately having spare capacity to reduce quatity supplied to drive up profits, and since the LRAC is the envelope of all the lowest point in the SRAC, and since the monopolist isn't even producing at its lowest point of AC in the short run, then it should mean that in the long run, the monopolist ain't producing on its LRAC!!

makes sense?
someone correct me pls...

Monday, June 18, 2007

My last words..

Hi..i'm gonna leave Malaysia..for a very long time..
so be4 i leave...
wanna give this as a present to Wei Liang..he did this halfway this i completed it for him... there u go..

Wei Liang naked...
Wei Liang u got damn nice body sia..

YOU have been Photoshop-ed

hmm..basically..Wei Liang wanted to learn Photoshop so that he can edit someone's face and put his inside..(like he very handsome like that) ..just like KennySia..
anyway u can see his blog for some cock talk regarding the photos at his blog.. very entertaining one..MUST go and see =p

Anyway after some 4 hours of teaching and photoshopping..we ended up editing two photos..
this is the first one..



It looks amazing real isn't it? If i didn't show u the original photo..would u have guess it was photoshop-ed? do not show the truth liao..everything we see is heavily photoshop-ed...
newspapers , posters, magazines...even the gal in TJC's banner is heavily photoshop-ed!!
What has the world become?? totally obsessed with external beauty!!
Therefore i think it is only ethical that photoshop be used to alter the lighting and colour in normal photos and nothing else as anything else will distort the truth..(unless the person u photoshop is me la, then thats a different story =p)

BUT..i strongly support using Photoshop to humour ourselves!! and the ppl around us!! thus the second picture we edited tonight..
Mentally Imbalance Beasts ( WL's idea...i would never be able to think of something so "beast")


Not bad huh..Hopefully we'll get to see more of edited pics in WeiLiang's blog after tonight!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

We're getting old..

Last last friday..the 8th of and Yen Tink were in McD..(Yen Tink is the crazy gal in the pic below btw) to "study" and since we wanted to escape the noise..we went up the second floor. At about noon..there was a birthday celebration on the 2nd floor..and the people that came were probably just 12 years old..but the way they dress up is so so matured..we were shocked. When we were 12, all of us just wore t shirt and jeans..simple and nice...
Anyway...the point is..we can really see the difference in the way the current 12 year olds think and dress up compared with our generation..this really shows that we are getting OLD!!

Then on Friday..i went to Kg Cempaka to get a haircut..and in the middle of the haircut..the barber told me.. WA!! ADA RAMBUT PUTIH!! KAMU SUDAH TUA LA!! HAHA!!

my reaction: =.=

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


the piano ensemble ppl..
pic taken after the concert

and this photo is for tecky..
me and my TEACHER.

yeah she's an awesome teacher btw..

and this is..
no need to know who she is lar..
if u know her than well..good luck to you man..

anyway if this person is reading this..good luck for your A levels!! go visit u in LSE next time!!

and school which is turning 30 this year..
looks really nice doesn't it?

and my naked phone!!

it's number 8 button could not work..
so i STRIPPED it!!

until it became like this
quite cool huh!!

now button 8 is working again.

the moral of the story.
undress your phone once in a while..its pretty dusty inside u know..your phone will feel happy to enjoy fresh air for a while..

black or white?
is this the product of extreme sunburn?
or maybe this is an advertisement for a whitening product!! lol
or maybe this is the product of photoshop...
or maybe its the hand of a ghost? a phantom? an apparition that only cameras can capture??

come..guess how this pic is taken!!
the prize for guessing it correctly:
the knowledge that u have the ability to scrutinize even the smallest details and therefore should become a rubbish collector who specializes in collecting nano-rubbish. Hey..i tell u, this occupation is going to be RED HOT in the future!! With the proliferation of nano technology..i envision that there'll be a HUGE demand for nano-rubbish collectors whose job is to scrutinize for nano-rubbish..hehe cool job huh!

oh btw..
while on our way to yum, yee xian, wei liang and cow aka teck liang saw an accident of a motorcycle and a car LIVE!! it was a most exciting affair..your mind is constantly racing, trying to determine what course of action to take, trying to recall everything u have learned bout what to do in accidents..and in the midst of all that thinking, not even one of us thought of looking and remembering the car's license plate number( the car driver who was at fault ran away)..

come to think of it..when we learn about emergency response(tindakan kecemesan) in scouts or in one taught us to remember the car license plate number..the first thing we were always taught to do if we were to witness an accident was to call for ambulance..we were always taught to value life more than anything else..
but on this day..i learned that well, life is indeed important, but catching the's as important..if not, who's gonna pay? This is an excellent example of how our education isn't really very practical in the real world...

If u wan a full account of this accident..go to teck liang's blog in my link. He'll probably post it up next next week after his exams..he even took a photo of the scene after the ambulance arrived..of if dun have, then try wei liang in my link too( his blog is damn funny btw)..