Monday, June 18, 2007

YOU have been Photoshop-ed

hmm..basically..Wei Liang wanted to learn Photoshop so that he can edit someone's face and put his inside..(like he very handsome like that) ..just like KennySia..
anyway u can see his blog for some cock talk regarding the photos at his blog.. very entertaining one..MUST go and see =p

Anyway after some 4 hours of teaching and photoshopping..we ended up editing two photos..
this is the first one..



It looks amazing real isn't it? If i didn't show u the original photo..would u have guess it was photoshop-ed? do not show the truth liao..everything we see is heavily photoshop-ed...
newspapers , posters, magazines...even the gal in TJC's banner is heavily photoshop-ed!!
What has the world become?? totally obsessed with external beauty!!
Therefore i think it is only ethical that photoshop be used to alter the lighting and colour in normal photos and nothing else as anything else will distort the truth..(unless the person u photoshop is me la, then thats a different story =p)

BUT..i strongly support using Photoshop to humour ourselves!! and the ppl around us!! thus the second picture we edited tonight..
Mentally Imbalance Beasts ( WL's idea...i would never be able to think of something so "beast")


Not bad huh..Hopefully we'll get to see more of edited pics in WeiLiang's blog after tonight!!


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