Sunday, February 07, 2010


How to be confident.


Blogger Jebster said...

I think confidence comes in two components: Expectation and Competence.

Since you're an Engineer, I'll deal with you as an Engineer.

Confidence = Competence - Expectation

You are confident as long as your Competence is Equal to or Larger than your Expectation. Confident = 0 is the threshold for you to be confident. It does not mean you have zero confidence. Okay, just to set some conventions here. haha!

You are smart enough to know how to be confident if you buy into my equation.

Let me share my experience to you. I used to be fearful on stage and not confident because my expectation was too high. I tried to improve my competence but it's not enough. I ended up not confident.

But when I perform with Imprompt-3, am I confident? Yes. Am I competent? NO! I watched the video I used to perform, and I was much better back then. But because in the pop world, audience are more forgiving, and hence my expectation for my own playing also decreases. I enjoy my playing more, with a low expectation. Low expectation doesn't mean it's bad, it serves its purpose practically, when something that you do, does not require you to have high expectations.

For example, let's assume you're talking about your studies. Confident to get 5.0? Maybe you need to work harder, improve competence. Or lower expectation 4.5. Then u work out which one worths it for you.

I think it applies similarly to many other aspects of life.

If you have unrealistically high expectations, it zaps your energy and you are not able to enjoy. Like how my music expectation made my college music life miserable and stressful.

If you have unrealistically high investment in competence, it's not wise also... like if I'm trying to practice so hard in my classical violin now... but I don't get to use it at all... I'll still just play those simple few easy notes in a pop band... so I'm wasting my time. lol.

Think about it man.

12:27 AM  
Blogger Li Hong said...

HaHa actually i'm referring to sports. And ya, your equation makes sense, but i propose another equation to add to your equation:

Confidence = Competence - Expectation

Actual performance
= competence - m,
where m is related to your nervousness. This only applies when competence is near of equal to 0.

When expectation is very low, you perform very well, when very high, you have nothing to lose and you perform very well too!!

but all these equations doesn't really solve the problem, because expectations rises and falls with competence, (when you get better, ppl expect better from you etc )so no matter how you raise of oompetence, it doesn't solve the problem.

The only way to solve it is to lower your m. if you can make it negative, the better.

So the question is, how to lower the coefficient m?

3:49 PM  
Blogger Jebster said...

How to lower nervousness?
Take drugs

11:50 AM  
Blogger Li Hong said...

you can take beta blockers. lots of performers do that, although it is a banned substance in sports

12:52 AM  

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