Sunday, June 17, 2007

We're getting old..

Last last friday..the 8th of and Yen Tink were in McD..(Yen Tink is the crazy gal in the pic below btw) to "study" and since we wanted to escape the noise..we went up the second floor. At about noon..there was a birthday celebration on the 2nd floor..and the people that came were probably just 12 years old..but the way they dress up is so so matured..we were shocked. When we were 12, all of us just wore t shirt and jeans..simple and nice...
Anyway...the point is..we can really see the difference in the way the current 12 year olds think and dress up compared with our generation..this really shows that we are getting OLD!!

Then on Friday..i went to Kg Cempaka to get a haircut..and in the middle of the haircut..the barber told me.. WA!! ADA RAMBUT PUTIH!! KAMU SUDAH TUA LA!! HAHA!!

my reaction: =.=


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