Tuesday, November 28, 2006


U ever have the feeling of getting headshot?? In CounterStrike, if u get headshot by someone..u will go like $$%@@%&!!!
In real life...well it'll be totally different..

I was at this interview..by the school for a scholarship prepatory programme thingy..
and i went in the room..confident that i should be able to talk...but turns out...i could not..

the teacher..well she is a really good teacher btw..interviewing me, after the interview..since she kinda knows me, decided to point out wats my weakness...
and it turns out i have lots of them!! She said i talk like AH BENG(something like samseng..guess i have to thank scouts for that), and i am too blunt..( wat the hell, being truthful is not a virtue now izzit)and i should learn to talk in a calm and subtle tone..and try to think before i speak, learn to speak like a scholar..she then went on the say that if i do not change..then i will seriously lose out during interviews..well maybe if interview to become Ah Beng then i should be able to pass wif flying colours..after all the "shooting" he then say i speak wif passion and i have substance...wow..like that helps..its like shooting someone on their head and then try to use a piece of plaster to bandage the wound...

the feeling i get..is like Mr Kean telling u u are wrong...He dun need to raise his voice..He just need tell u calmly and u will be so disappointed in urself that the whole world will crumble around u....well that may be a bit exxagerating....but still..

so when u guys are wif me..make sure i speak in a calm and subtle manner ok..
becoz apparently interviewers like gays.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Well..so the story goes like this..
u know the UNSW(Uni of New South Wales) International Competition for Schools Maths Assessment..somehow..i also dunno how..
i got the highest mark in Singapore at JC1 level..
and well..
i got this round medal..and i got also $100(sg dollars) cash prize..
at first $100 sounds like quite a lot right..after all its almost lik RM280..
but then when u come to think of it..sooner or later..
the $100 will mysteriously disappear...

so before my $100 totally vanished into oblivian..
i better do some detective work and find out how my money disappears..

taxi to go to prize ceremony(play squash until late) hehe - $9.00
next day..taxi to school( woke up late) $9.00
somehow when u get some money u tend to wake up late easily..
a nice dinner to congratulate myself $6.00
dinner after the prize ceremony( wanted to rush back to hostel but too late)
breakfast for the following days ( played dota till midnight cannot wake up so early) $10
birthday gift for someone in Malaysia $10
top up ez-link $50
thats how money can disappear so quickly without noticing..
haih..at least i'm contributing to the economy right??