Tuesday, November 28, 2006


U ever have the feeling of getting headshot?? In CounterStrike, if u get headshot by someone..u will go like $$%@@%&!!!
In real life...well it'll be totally different..

I was at this interview..by the school for a scholarship prepatory programme thingy..
and i went in the room..confident that i should be able to talk...but turns out...i could not..

the teacher..well she is a really good teacher btw..interviewing me, after the interview..since she kinda knows me, decided to point out wats my weakness...
and it turns out i have lots of them!! She said i talk like AH BENG(something like samseng..guess i have to thank scouts for that), and i am too blunt..( wat the hell, being truthful is not a virtue now izzit)and i should learn to talk in a calm and subtle tone..and try to think before i speak, learn to speak like a scholar..she then went on the say that if i do not change..then i will seriously lose out during interviews..well maybe if interview to become Ah Beng then i should be able to pass wif flying colours..after all the "shooting" he then say i speak wif passion and i have substance...wow..like that helps..its like shooting someone on their head and then try to use a piece of plaster to bandage the wound...

the feeling i get..is like Mr Kean telling u u are wrong...He dun need to raise his voice..He just need tell u calmly and u will be so disappointed in urself that the whole world will crumble around u....well that may be a bit exxagerating....but still..

so when u guys are wif me..make sure i speak in a calm and subtle manner ok..
becoz apparently interviewers like gays.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wtf la...that's is one funny piece of shit...interviewers like gays...HAHAHA... imagine if we all had to go thru asean interviews last yr(like this yr)... all the scouts die la

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one told u b4? U memang talk like ah beng... lol...

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA Li Hong. Are you then saying that i'm gay. lol. Nah, i'm not good at interviews too.
But you must know what the interviewer WANTS out of you. Anyway, you're really blunt and energetic. NO wonder you get to be in the house committee cos it's basically looking for brutal and samseng like ppl to do sports.. haha

But i have a feeling you might get it.

7:41 PM  
Blogger Flo said...

ROTFL! Well, interviews are all about making yourself look good on the outside most of the time. :P

9:17 PM  

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