Sunday, September 17, 2006


Sorry for the lack of photos...
2nd Sept-
9.30am- Got onto the bus. Put my things. went toilet, came out, bus gone. Ran after the bus. couldnt catch. feel so sui. lucky got ppl saw my seat empty ask driver turn back. I'm saved. Sat bus. Custom traffic jam. Wait damn long. Couldn't sleep. Borrowed newspaper to read. Found out West Ham bought Tevez and the other guy that start wif M.

3.30pm- Bought The Star. Budget report out. Made sense of the review of the budget report. Econs really useful!! Reach Bangsar 3.30pm. Called mum. Mum at somewhere far. Ask me go Kelana Jaya wait. Called Wei Liang. He want to pick me up. Call mum. Ask me to stay coming soon. Went 7-11. 5 minute mum came. Say going back to Penang now. NOW??? WTH!! Nvm. Penang good. Penang fun. Penang lots of movie and can eat eat eat. No complains.

4.30pm- Drove to penang. Mum drive first i sit beside her. Forced myself dun sleep must accompany her talk talk later i sleep very dangerous.Also sms wif Liang, Hoai and YX Yeow Hong too. Then at 6.30pm i drove. Wa drive 120kmph no joke. Sometimes quite scary when go through bump. Very stress also coz keep staring at the road only.

8.30pm- Reach Penang. Movie time!! Watch Batman Begins. Watch until wanna sleep. Driving tiring mah. But the movie also veli slow one. After movie sleep lor.

3rd Sept(Sunday)-
Morning wake up eat penang food!!!
Got all types of food that i also dunno the name but veli nice one. Nvm food not tat important to me. Faster watch movie be4 go back to KL

10am-Watched Timeline. Not really THAT nice.. OK only..the seige of the La Roque quite fake. But nvm.

Then after that watched the Academy Award Winner "Crash". Wa now this movie is special. Damn nice. Its the kind of show that after u see u need time to digest it. Its thought provoking. After seeing the movie u dun feel like doing anyting else besides thinking bout wat u just seen. ITs damn nice lar!! Everyone must watch if got chance!!

3pm- Went home. Drove on the highway for 1 hour like that. Then later sleep since now my dad here dee.

Reach at 8pm. Wa. Like i told Hoai, the feeling of Home Sweet Home. DAMN NICE LAR!! btw Yeow Hong ask wanna hav dinner together wif other scouters... Soli lar i also wan but haha first time TUan Yuan Fan wif family in 3 months..canot disappoint parents. =p

4th Sept(Monday)
10am- Woke up. Dunno wat to do. GO downstairs watch TV. Waste time. Enjoy life. Did some maths. SLeep. WAste time. SMS. Eat. Waste time

5pm- Play squash wif Wei Liang. Aiyah Wei liang still so pro. I still so Noob. Still kena trashed.

Play like damn long..
9pm- Fetch YX go yam cha. Eat the standard supper. Maggi Goreng tambah Pedas+ Teh Tarik.
Maggi Goreng there as usual is damn nice lar..singapore one...totally owned by this..
THe stall name is Abu something..haha..go try out!!

5th Sept( TUesday)
11am- Woke up. Wa how did i sleep so long. No regrets coz. "sleeping is the best enjoyment in life"
A levels ppl last day exam. Wish them luck. Waste time. Watch TV. Go YOUTUBE watch funny stuff. Blog hopping...stuff like that

2pm- Mum took me out to do her stuff...go there go here. GO buy lights fan for the new house in Putra Jaya. DUn worry i not moving there.. just an investment..Talk TAlk TAlk Talk until so long until 6 pm. Then i sit there do nothing walk around on the light off the light so bo liao. Then sms also. Called YIn Shean. Wa y she go back so fast everyone go back SG to study i slack at home..

6pm- Mum wanna catch her Taiwan Hokkien serial. Rush to wei liang house to watch HAha. I nothing to do play DOTA against AI. AI there damn stupid even though name is insane..nvm.. Then eat dinner at his house. Swt.

9.30pm- Went to Swensen with HAur y.XIan. Tecky, MCW, Zhen Yuan and his Girlfriend to eat Earthquake.

Haha chat chat chat until 11 plus then go back lor. btw something damn funny happen but then i lazy to explain already. Better go home sleep

6th Sept( WednesdAy)
11am- Woke up. ENough dun ask me wat i did coz i did absolutely nothing

8pm- at night went out wif Hoai go A&W drink root beer then talk talk talk also. Drove the big Volvo. Wat the hell so hard to drive. Small car much better. Sentra 100 times better that Volvo!! yeah!!!

7th Sept( THursday)
11am- Morning went to Putra Jaya to look at new house. QUite cool wat. don't have pagar or gate or anything sia.haha

2.30pm-Suppose to have a small gathering a MV today for lunch at 2.30. Wth last minute everyone CMI( cannot make it) so in the end only 9 ppl come haha. Anyway had lunch at Madam Kwan. Chit Chat, then go play one game of pool wif Haur. Wat Si Yi pool damn pro man. Kan Bu Chu right??haha Still Water runs deep..haha

8.30pm-Met wif my dog pig friends to go Aman Suria play DOTA!!
haha.. long time never play already lor..but never mind everyone also long time never standard still same i wont get trashed mar..

12.30am- siao so late come home. haha, but mum very nice nvr scold leh!!

8th Sept( Friday)
4.00pm-Shu Haur's farewell party!!haha went Shu Haur's house early early coz Jean say wanna belanja me makan for my birthday!! Rain so heavy..even the God dun wan Haur to leave Malaysia...

Anyway Jean being Jean.. In the end all SiKeat Chern Han wyn yan come already then she also dun wanna go out liao..typical Jean.

5.00pm- drove to 1u to buy present. Y GOd cry so much. Traffic jam only. Damn. Met Hoai at 1U. Chose a sweater and a winter hat for Haur HAur's present...then off we go to fetch Yee Xian. Stupid. took the wrong turn. end up jam there damn long.hai ya. should ask yx to go himself. so not Sun Lu wan him. very Extra.

haha who ask me to have such Pig Dog friend..

7.00pm- Reach Haur's bungalow for 2nd time...then well..farewell party lor..haha for more of the farewell party, go to other ppl's blog to find out wat happen lar..coz i also lazy to write. Just to summarize. Haur is still typical Haur and we'll all MISS HIM!!!! haha
Who can forget the CHS Court Joker of year 2005!!! haha.

12.45am- Thats the time i reached home. Mum also never scold. Wa.. Times have really changed!!haha.. LOVE YA MUM

9th Sept
Hey did i mention today's my birthday!!
and i got a FUTSAL shoe!!


7.30am- went to YX house play bb
as usual, say 7.30 am, in the end tecky only 8.30am come. typical tecky!!
got Richard, Jie How, Yeow Hong, Tecky, Liang, Y.XIan, TIGER@jj, SUi Yuan, ME!!haha
then after play.. go makan breakfast..
and later..

go CAO!!
destress be4 i go back to sg again to die..

2.00pm-Had lunch wif Yan Ru!! haha...wa she had ulcers like nobody's business lar..Wei Liang's saliva allergic i think( jkjk) anyway..haha..RU is still Ru..and well i think i can say the same for pretty everyone else!!hehe

btw by that time i dun feel really good already..coz need to go back to Singapore..

Time to say goodbye..

3.30pm-Dad sent me to Bangsar.. Didn't even get to say goodbye to mum.. She dunno go where dee haha. Anyway chatted wif dad on the way..haha..realised i'll miss him again!! and mum too!!

On the bus...

i miss everyone!! So sad have to leave to Singapore and start studying...all the fun i had that week..tears starts to swell inside my eyes...i'm gonna CRY!!!..sob..sob....See u all on December!!!!! haha.. =p =p
9.30pm-Goodbye Malaysia!! Hello Singapore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my direct scholars friends will phrase the above statement as..

GOodbye Earth!!! Hello HELL!!



THis is my confession and the record of how i end up failing my promos(promotional exams)

I decided to type this as i'll need to explain to MOE y i did badly in the exams.. so i thought that it'll be better with the memory still fresh in my mind...and wat better way than to show MOE my need to waste my saliva explaining....The title may well change to "The confessions of a Teenage Asean Scholar". Hopefully the Ministry will understand..but then Singapore is more well known wif its cold effecient ways....Unlike its neighbour Malaysia which is more well known with its dirty public toilets...which i must add is not that dirty these days!! Guess Malaysia boleh can now be changed to MALAYSIA DAPAT!! And images that countries potrays are often false...just like the image that Singapore is clean is just has a lot of cleaners.....
So maybe Malaysia just needs to get more cleaners??

haha..damn i feel so random.


Blogger -MAX- said... did u actually remember wat happen throughout de few weeks b4..
seriously u failed arh?? wow.. tat's something new from catholic's S1 student

9:41 PM  
Blogger -MAX- said... did u actually remember wat happen throughout de few weeks b4..
seriously u failed arh?? wow.. tat's something new from catholic's S1 student

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U r one of the better students among us direct scholars n in the class... How can u possibly fail? U are juz bored n have nothing to do la... Xp

11:32 PM  
Blogger Li Hong said...

din fail lar.the finals is one week away man..i'm just predicting
gambatte to myselff

6:38 PM  

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