Thursday, June 29, 2006


Exams over..but lets not talk about exams..
lets talk about global warming instead..set?

during the 3 days of exams..well actually is 4 days wif a one day break in the middle, i finished Micheal Crichton's State of Fear? Anyone read it? He's just a good author..but thats not the point..
the book argues that global warming is not happening..and that there is no real evidence pointing towards global warming..
however..the author does believe that urbanization results in the surface warming..for instance over the past 100 years..New York's temperature has risen dramatically...while temperature of Nevada( basically a desert) has not risen since 100 years ago..and the book's character also pointed out that during the 100+ year since global temperature was available, there was a slight cooling in the years 1940-1970..which is evidence against global warming..and besides that for the last 30 years..sea levels have not risen AT ALL.
it says that global warming is a theory that is "media"lized and popularized by politicians..
it says that ordinary citizen which are bombarded by all the global warming frenzy, all became firm believers of global warming-they just accepted watever the media says..well..which to me is true...ppl hav this believe that if the media can say must be well researched and a true fact

which i tell wrong. Dead wrong. Believing in the book is also not right.
Then who do we believe in? Scientists? Well the book says most scientists are biased anyway..they are biased towards their funders-their research result tend to be what the funders want..coincident? Shit. I'm believing the book again. Come on. The author is AMERICAN after all..what can u except from a bloody American?

In the end i went to the net to find out about the sea level thingy..and guess wat?our sea level is indeed rising..and it has been rising with the same rate ever since we have the data of our sea level..which is like 1900..which is when industrialization just the rise cannot be becaused of human-induced global warming..well guess guess he mistyped his book..should've been "rate of change of sea levels" have not change since long ago..hmm...of maybe he din type wrong..maybe the source i got is biased..its funded by environmental organizations..or maybe his' data is the one that is funded by industries..

oh well.
this is life.
There is no truth.
The truth is always with the winning side.
be the winning side.


Blogger Sui Yuan said...

More of ur philosophy yeah ?? hope u do well in ur exams.

Btw u blog damn infrequently, mayb cos of exams.

Anyway i rmb Caleb introduced me to Micheal Crichton. I lik his books btw though some r controversial.

Anyway lik u said, thr is no truth. Jus b on the winning side.


11:23 PM  
Blogger xingji said...

Truth is what YOU believe in...and the best part don't even have to justify it...unlike knowledge..but that's another story..

3:21 AM  
Blogger isabella said...

i sure look forward to more of these kidna posts! it sounds juz liek u li hong! and i miss it so damn lot! crappy but u make it sound so sensible! kidding! post more lah kay?

10:53 PM  

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