Thursday, August 10, 2006


What if..u realised u have no talent in the things u like to pursue
and realised u are somewhat talented in the things that u dun really like

What if...u expected to get something but din get it..and the whole world crumbles together with that something..

What if...there are no what ifs in life and everyone's destiny is already predestined..

What if...there is really a higher being and it is all-powerfull but is not as good hearted as we thought

What if...there is a board that oversees the "injection" of talent into a person be4 they are born...and they are somewhat bias..just like human beings are somewhat bias in creating a drawing with the different use of colour etc etc..

What if...You found out u are just machines that has the ablility to think and to function...that maybe u are the remnants of a higher being that is bored with playing with you??

What if...humans can control u still call nature nature? or do u call nature as human's pet..

What if...the laws of physics doesn't hold through anymore and the world stops spinning?? would you still wonder what if??

the ability to ask what if..means u are leading such a good life to have free time to ask what if..
so what if u are so busy to find time to ask what if? izzit better that way? or izzit better to ask yourself the meaning of ur screwed up life..
it doesn't matter really
coz in the end u'll grow old and perish..
and the world will continue to turn without u..even though u succeeded in something phenomenal..ppl may remember u..but u won't be able to know if u are being remembered..
which brings us to the question..

what if..
u gain immortality and never dies...
how would u live ur life??


Blogger isabella said...

i jzu loev yer posts man.. !!! its so u li hong! =) thumbs up for watever u posted.. even if its crappy to u.. but seiorusly.. enjoy reading it =) keeep it goign man!love ya ! thanks for teh bday wish!

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.. interesting man.
Talent.. hmmm.. you just have to accept that life is unfair. People don't normally get what they want. Sometimes, your talent just can't be used.. e.g. talent to pick pockets. Whether you LIke to pursue something or not can be remindset. You can CHOOSE to enjoy something. That's not call "cheating yourself". However, the level of enjoyment wont be as high as the things that you really wanted.. IT's better to live with an enjoyment than What If-ing everything.

Everyone's destiny is already predestined.. by a higher being i suppose? That we actually don't get to choose.. or even if we get to choose.. our decisions are controlled by the Higher being? Even our so called "free will" is being controlled? I think, it's a contradictory statement. If the Higher Being is puppetting us.. our lives.. our decisions.. our thoughts.. We wouldnt possibly have to choice to know something with our own. BUt you just thought of the possibility that a higher being is controlling over you.. which means.. you're not controlled! The higher being would not program you to even doubt that you're NOT a machine or a controlled being.

TAlents are not bias. First you must know that people define talents Differently. I think what people want out of talent most is happiness.. the enjoyment of using your talent. So be it small or's the happiness and joy that matters. What's the use of a Great talented pianist if he always think that he's not good enough and frowns all day long? And what is so wrong with a person who is talented in "imagination and fantasy" if he's happy everyday imagining that he's somebody and living somewhere else?

The law of physics fails? It depends on whether you think physics is INVENTED by human or it is a universal law ruled out by the Creator. It also depends on how deep and wide you want the law of physics to be. You know that electrical charge.. how they work.. force by charge particles.. they are all governed by the law of physics. Water molecules are held by charges.. so if the law of physics fails.. basically, everything in this universe will collapse IF you think that the law is created by the Creater. We're just discovering physics.

You see, people have this problem -Earthly possessions - fame, wanting to be remembered, to become significant, It can never be satisfied. When you die away, you'll be forgotten, leaving your contributions as memories. Yes, people like Mahamat Ghandi will be remembered forever in this world as long as history is being taught in schools.. but when the earth is destroyed, everything would be gone. It's so much of a nihilism isnt it? Don't you think that physical world can't offer what we really want? Think about the spiritual world.. where does our desire come from? our soul? our spirit? what would satisfy these metaphysical beings? physical possesions like i've mentioned? Or you think we need a GOd, both omnipotent and ubiquitious, that we would never feel empty again?

When philosophers break things up until the very basic, it cannot hold. There must be a higher being that holds every knowledge together. WE're not made for nothing. We're made to find purpose. that's why we constantly ask "what If". There are knowledge and phenomenon that we can never understand.. even through the advancement of technology in year 7000. Yes, we can know that Sun is just a fire ball while primitive people think that it's some kinna god through the discovery of science. BUt, things that are Metaphysical, can never be explained by science.

6:08 PM  
Blogger -MAX- said...

walau.. ur post dou..never fail to amuse me 0.o

4:15 AM  

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