Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Miami won. finally. 2-1 in the best of seven series. South Korea won 2-1 too. In the midst of silent cheering..i thought.. so what? So what if the South Korea win the World Cup? What do i gain from it? Then i realised that was very selfish..y can't i be genuinely happy for others even though i have nothing to gain for it? Then i realise again that what about Togo players who are sad..Y aren't i sad for them? Is discrimination at work here? Wats the meaning of all this? Wats the meaning of life for the football players?

Once i heard this conversation between a football player and another guy
Football player: Football IS my life
Another Guy: If Football is ur life..Man, U hav no life.

That statement sounds perfectly right doesn't it? But I ask u.. what is the defination of "having a life"?Well..that got me thinking...then in the end..
i realise something..
if football is ur life..then at least you are better than the majority of us..who hav no idea what defines their life..and that majority includes me..

What do i want to do with my life? Whats my ambition? What is my purpose?
I tell you..even God doesn't know.

So i'll just tag along with the concept of Marginal Utility, which states that if u make the most out of every second, then in the end, you will end up with the best situation u can end with..its just like saying..everyday u save 5 the end even though u never planned of saving a large amount of money, u will end up with a large saving accounts..which i think is quite true..although i think its just an excuse for people who cannot see the big picture all me!!

ah..wats the use of typing of this crap out..its just an excuse from studying..


Blogger Sui Yuan said...

Wow, haah nice blog. Quite meaningful. Wil play basketball wif u later n hope u post the outcome here.


2:21 PM  

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