Thursday, July 06, 2006


Talents? they say everyone has one..
and i'm sure those ppl that said such things are talented ppl in some way or another( if not we wouldn't have listened to them right?? )

so how do they know everyone has one? U know wat i think? they are just trying to comfort the rest of the world's population.. we ain't bornt equal, us ppl hav better brains than others and some ppl are just talentless.. but then..we all hope that hard work prevails....

and i'm almost certain hard work can never be anything as good as talent. Hard work- everyone can achieve it if they want..but talent- how good will it be if u could actually barter hard work for some talent..

its like buying technology u know..u lower ur production cost for everything..everything will be faster, more effecient..

but dun tell anyone bout my theory..coz the talented ppl dun seem to want to admit that they are what they are becoz of their talent..well not entirely but at least i can tell u it isn't like wat Edison wanted u all to believe..99% hard work and 1% talent..nah..wat he said is plain bullshit


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a talented guy is trying to say that not everybody's as talented as him.. haha.

I disagree with you. We are born equally with different talents. What makes you think that we have unequal talents may be the reason that our lives are focused on a certain area of knowledge. E.g. You could easily say a person who get high marks without hard work a talent and the opposite a dummy. That's because you're narrowing the area of talents to a part which is most important in this phase of our lives.

Why do some people work hard like hell and still not performing as well as others? That's because that's not their area of talent. And talent is not as objective as you think.. some talents are dispersed into very wide varities of fields but lower in extend. e.g. a person who can draw, play music, study, play basketball.. he's not extra good in these areas, but that doesnt mean he has no talent. It's just that his talent is evenly dispersed.

What about those starving kids in Africa who knows nothing but beg for food.. certainly you'll think that they have no talents at all. Now, talent alone is one question. But talents needed to be discovered and developed. These people dun have the people to help them develop and discover their talents.. they are born with an innate talent.

So, Isnt that being unfair to them? that's another question. But the core of your argument appears to be problematic because you're saying that some people have no talent. Unless you rephrase it, some people doenst have the chance to discover his talent, then, it may be more acceptable.

Eistein is correct about his statement. But by taking it literally would not seem applicable. Notice that "hard work" is not just a simple noun. It could mean hard work in a smart, logical, and in your area of talent and interest. Normally, people are driven to be hardworking because of their passion in something, and because they have a certain level of talent in that activity. Hard work needs to be logical and feasible e.g. you cant say you can lift a lorry if you train hard enough with push ups everyday. Hard work will bring a person which is not talented in that area to a CERTAIN LEVEL of achievement, any higher than that, talent needs to come into the picture.

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hah..he didn't say any bullshit...coz that wasnt what he said. Edison quoted "Sucess is 1% INSPRATION and 99% perspiration"..go look it up

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hah..he didn't say any bullshit...coz that wasnt what he said. Edison quoted "Sucess is 1% INSPRATION and 99% perspiration"..go look it up

11:31 PM  

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