u know wat this blog lacks?
Photos of me donating blood yesterday.
should have photo's of me lying there..while my blood is being pumped out..haha
wow..u know modern medicine is such a great thing..while getting my blood pumped out..or while having the big needle poked into me..i hardly feel a thing..without pain..u won't even know u are losing blood of dying..u can die so next time be4 anyone commit suicide...they should anesthetize themselves first..then they can die peacefully..without any pain..all maybe suicide bombers should anesthetize themselves before jihading..hehe.
But then wat about " No Pain, No Gain?"Does that mean that i am not doing any good because i'm anesthetized before i donated my blood?
anyway tomorrow's the World Cup finals..and i'm sure a lot of ppl who doesn't watch football will be watching the match while wondering..wat are they doing-22 ppl kicking a ball? But no one will be asking that question.. It is like the emperor's New Clothes u know..everyone just assumed that this is a great sport and dun dare to question it..because they are afraid they will be ridiculed or something like that
but dun get me wrong..
football is a great sport.
so is a lot of other sports.
but the point is those ppl that never usually watch football, what makes them watch now? Thats y human beings are social animals..what others do, they follow..Those ppl that dare to stand up and say..Sleeping is far more important than watching 22 ppl kicking 1 ball.. i admire them.
btw..i never woke up to watch the World Cup finals..din regret a bit..hehe
"No Pain No Gain" is something that defines differently to different people. Pain - how to you define it? Do you call it pain when a father sacrifices his hand for the life of his daughter? Can you call it pain when a mother spank a child (the mother does not suffer from any physical pain)? The mind is always greater than the body. Althought the mother feels no physical pain, she's suffering from mental pain.
You feel no pain because you tell yourself that it's not painful.. it's subconsious. I have a phobia for needle.. even when i see people donating blood i can feel GREAT PAIN in my arms already. Cos my mind exerts pain impulses whenever needles appear in front of me.
The question here is, when you are not experiencing pain, is it necessary for you not to gain anything? Well, the theory that i holds strongly is everything needs to come with a price. But that price doesnt mean it has to be pain. You see, the mind is at work all the time. In order to define what that "price" is, it's all about how your mind works. Actually your body itself is experiencing pain when something penetrates through the skin, your mind chooses to block it, by losing 10% of your blood.. you experienced fatigue and slept for the whole day (unless you define sleep as something enjoyable - it may be your gain in this case then). YOu're paying a price not totally in a form of pain but in other forms which you do not pay much attention to.
Yes, people are social animals. That's irrefutable. That's why you wanted to revive your blog after seeing so many of your friends having one. haha.. Chris started it..
That's a very absurd and brainless concept of football being a sport of 22 people chasing over a ball. It's the sportmanship, and pride and the honor of winning the game that counts. You could also say it's stupid for Edison to waste 1000 times of experiment just to get one circle of yellow light with the radius of 2cm. It would also mean it's stupid to waste your whole night to think over a maths questions which consists of 10 numbers and a question mark..
People who has that concept - one word for you. Narrowed minded.
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The football thing and Edison..that is totally two different things..for football..u can't argue the fact that the players play for a prize which is worth a lot...but then ppl who dun get wat they are doing yet still stubbornly pretend they enjoy..thats stupid
Edison trying 1000 times to get a light bulb..u don't call him fact thats the attitude everyone should have..but if u have a onlooker..looking at him trying 1000 times..doesn't know wat he is doing..except to sigh when the experiment fails or shouts out when the experiment works-that-is stupid..
YOu cant call ppl who still watch football even though they don't like it stupid due to peer pressure. It's just like condemning a person for not able to sing. You know what's the core problem? You're condemning a person's weakness, you're condemning a HUMAN WEAKNESS. and that's absurd. Humans are made to be social animals, they tend to follow the majority because they wanted to be in a group, they wanted acceptance and assurance and a sense of belonging. Well, it wouldnt be a weakness (it's a human CHARACTERISTIC) until ppl start to do things that are not supposed to do e.g. ppl eat drugs and you join them. I'm sure at some point of your life you've experienced stuff like this, and i don't think you would dare to say that you always follow your way even though others go theirs. Don't always think the big thing, thing for small trivial things.
I'm not arguing that football players are playing for a prize that worth a lot. THey are playing for the pride of their nation. I brought out that edison thing because they have something in common - BIG for small, and that's what, according to many ppl as said by you, makes it "stupid". 22 players for one tiny ball, 1000 experiments for one tiny light (don't try to argue that we have so many lights, spotlights nowadays, think in Edison's time, the specific period when Edison's success is justified). I'm arguing that it doesnt make something useless jusT BECause some big effort is being put to have a small achievement, if you enjoy putting football in this way : 22 ppl chasing one ball, sweat a lot, so tired, football crime some more, just to "push" that tiny ball across one white line.
22 ppl chasing a ball is not stupid lar football is a sport and all sports are like that. u set up a rule and play for a target which in this case is to score goals if if u haven notice in football ppl are not actually chasing after the football coz in order to chase something that thing has to run first so basically u dribble the ball then u pass to someone else u run into space so that ppl can pass to u then u try to score goals..everything is organized there is a target and its not to chase after the ball..and its fun to be playing football and its also fun to watch it if u find it fun to watch it.. its just like some ppl find it fun to watch news and some ppl don't. But because u dun like to watch news but alot of ur friends watch to force yourself to watch news is not wat u should do unless u wan to make yourself to like to watch news. But if u don't like and dun wanna like then u should have the guts to say i dun like to watch news and do other things if all your friends want to watch news..Human instincts is to follow the crowd and thats y to be successfull to be able to different from the rest to be able to leave your mark in history..then u shouldn't blindly follow other ppl...all the small things count u say thats y we should start to have our own stand even at small small things like watching TV.
YOu probably think i'm contradicting myself but u see thats the problems of politicians..contradictions is fine over time..thats wat debate and arguments and forums are for..for ppl to debate so that ppl's viewpoint can change for the better and when ur view point changes then of course u will be contradicting your stand a few weeks or a few months or even a few hours ago..
IN the political world ppl always think that politicians should make a stand and stick to it...well..ppl should a politicians' is because politicians are taken to be weak if they confess they are wrong and they changed their viewpoint that many things that could be avoided happened..
its like if BUsh say" lets go invade Iraq" and after one day a report comes out from CIA tat shows that US shouldn't invade Iraq but its too late..if Bush suddenly say ..oh i'm sorry but i changed my mind..dun attack Iraq..everyone will think what a indecisive leader he is..but then a leader should be decisive.but he should also be able to change his stand over time.thats all
Lazy to read and reply.. haha..
Ok cousin. So you're trying to say that people who fit in due to peer pressure although they hate to do so should be blamed and called stupid?--> maybe i'm being too particular about language and I'm not very comfortable when Li Hong refer these people as stupid. Anyway, there are differences between wanting to fit in and other weaknesses e.g. laziness, irresponsibility. These are faults derived from our choice. We can choose to be responsible or irresponsible. We can work hard or sleep whole day. We can choose to study or write craps in blogs (i hope that's not what i'm doing). When something can be based on choice, then the outcome and we ourselves are to be judged.
I'm trying to say that you cant criticise a HUMAN CHARACTERISTIC until it becomes a Human WEAKNESS. Human are social animals - we TEND to follow what people are doing regardless of what we think SOMETIMES. And it's Perfectly OK because we're not infallible. But when we follow peers to do things that are Morally Wrong (e.g. kill a butterfly), then this characteristic becomes a Human Weakness. And then it can be judged or condemned. Human Characteristic DOES NOT INVOLVE a CHOICE, we're BORN with it. Human Weakness INVOLVES a choice, so we can say that it's wrong and faulty.
And Rachel, when on earth did i ever say that we should stand for BIG THINGS and not small things?
Maybe you got yourself confused with what i'm trying to say in previous comments. haha.
When you say that people and leaders are given a chance to make up for mistakes.. being a leader doesn't make him less human.. i think it's idealistic thinking. This won't be the best way to work things out in Real world, in REALISTIC TERMS. Some mistakes can't be made up. You're right, being a leader doesn't make him less human, it makes him MORE human. They are treated differently. World leaders are treated differently from normal humans, financially, security, honor, respect wise and many more. They are capable of contributing something SIGNIFICANT that other people cannot. Basically, people are capable of contributing something. But here's the catch: your level of contribution depend extremely on the environment or organisation that you're in. We're in a world where politics take dominance. So if someone has the ability in politics, then he's going up. If Bush is in an island where the people do nothing but pluck coconuts from trees, then obviously he's not gonna make it to the leader part. A cannibal with monkey agility might take him as a slave or sth.
So what I'm trying to say is this:
IDEALISTS would say that leaders are just normal humans. People can contribute evenly.
REALISTS would say that Leaders are greater humans and also LUCKY humans. It is because their capabilities suit the need of an organisation or a situation. They have the chance to make use of it.
Anyway, I'm not saying that anybody is WRONG or RIGHT. It depends on whether you wanna be a idealist or a realist.
i said that leaders should not be afraid of admitting mistakes and people should not look at leaders and non-human that cannot change their minds..
and how come can say until leaders are greater and luckier ppl? u're not making a point here..u said that some mistakes cannot be undone. u're right but at least when u made a mistake dun stick to the chinese proverb goes wang yang bu lao
u're trying to argue the fact that leaders shouldn't be treated as normal human beings because they are more human?? WTH!??..and that treating leaders as humans which are capable of fault are idealisic thinking?
with ideologies like wonder leaders nowadays are so short-lived..ppl cannot forgive their leaders nor give them a chance..they think that the leaders can make a difference when they themselves dun wanna chance..
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