Wednesday, December 19, 2007


just saw a quite funny quote about marriage.

when ppl ask me about whether they should get married or not, i replied:
"marry, and you'll end up regretting."

"not marrying, you'll also end up regretting..."

well i certainly hope it's not true...

anyway i was reading "the case for creation"
and i was thinking: if i was god..and for everyone's sake lets hope i'm not..but if i was god, and i designed humans to help me accomplish something, then well, i would design them such that they would follow my a car or a robot should follow the owner's orders..
then maybe i designed humans to be like my pet..and our relationship would be something like a dog-owner relationship, if that is the case, i would quickly assert my presence..after all, unrequited love is, well, hard..but i guess since god is mighty and benevolent...
then maybe i designed humans to be my friend..but if it is so..i would design someone at least as clever and intelligent as i wouldn't want to make friends with someone who's intelligence is way below you right?? for instance u don't make friends with an ant..
then maybe the relationship is like a father and son that case...does it mean that since Adam was like our great*one million trillion zillion great great grandfather...god is our great*one million trillion zillion great great great grandfather??

hmm..i think i'm thinking too much..
oh one more thing..If God is so much is Satan able to compete with him/her/it??
If Satan was as powerful, does He/It/She has a hand in designing the World??

ok..i really am thinking too much..
off to sleep!! gd night blog.


Blogger Jebster said...

You are not thinking too much!
We must keep on thinking from day to day!! That is the fun thing about being a human, we are free to think and challenge anything! (now you might not want to challenge this statement by bringing in the free-will problem)

Firstly, we are made in God's image. Means God has all of humans' attributes but humans do not have all of God's attributes. God can love, be angry, be sad, be hurt. Since we are His image, we can see some of the emotions and human attributes that He possesses, but since we are the Lower Being, we cannot understand and see the other of His attributes that we do not possess or our minds are designed not being able to process.

Means, he's not really communicating with an ant. Imagine a father and son, there are certain aspects of life that the son won't understand e.g. the politics in the father's workplace but all aspects of the son's life the father would understand e.g. how sweets can stop the son from crying. Of course it can be argued that God would prefer to have a colleague to talk to about the politics of work rather than his own son about sweets, transformer toys and power rangers. But by doing that, you have already attributed a human characteristic on Him: that He "needs" to have a companion of equal intelligence to communicate or else he would be "boring". When you write imagine that "I" am God, you are attributing your human characteristic to a God that is far beyond and not limited by human attributes.

The great grand father father father thing, this hierarchy system is again, a human convention. THis system does not exist at all but it is DEFINED by us, Human. It's not wrong to define God as another "great" grandfather more than Adam because you are defining by using a system that is designed by you. E.g. Mathematicians designed a system where 1 + 1 = 2 so from there onwards 2 - 1 = 1 is Correct because it is derived from the basic assumptions that 1 + 1 = 2.

One fact is, Satan cannot compete with Him at all. What do you mean by compete in the first place? You mean like when you wanna do a thing God appeared on your right ear and satan "poof" on your left ear?
That is because God ALLOWS Satan to tempt us to do bad things and that would test our faith and self-control. He is giving us free will. When it comes to "free will" it's certainly very complicated. Do surface some questions if you have. I don't want to create questions and answering them myself.

Must think a lot baru life interesting!

10:54 PM  

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