Thursday, August 16, 2007


one night, while i was twisting and turning in my bed..
i thought of this question..


then i thought..
humans are made up of cells, neurons, and more cells..
our consciousness are merely electrical signals generated by our brain..
so when we die, what will happen??

to be sure, all the cells will die..
the brain will die..
it will no longer send out any signals..
everything will die so that just leaves...


it leaves NOTHING!!
basically, u just lose consciousness...
like how u lose it when u're sleeping..
which no one knows how..
and thats it.
no more waking up.
no alarm clocks to wake u up from ur eternal sleep..
it will be a dreamless sleep...
u will just cease to exist..

i wonder,
what do people in their death beds think be4 they fall asleep..
are they afraid to sleep and not wake up??
i mean..
the thought of not waking up..
of losing the ability to know, to think, the thought of NOTHINGNESS..

its scary...

way scarier than SCARY MOVIE 3..
way scarier than the Scariest Scary movie..
in fact, its so scary, even Ju-On will look like this:

quote of the day::


-jin chaw-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens after death?

Undoubtedly the only ones who might give us their experiences for us to value and consider our faith are those resting in their graves. Excluding the NDE cases which I'll get around to in a bit.

I think life after death for the atheist in general *seems* to be as you depicted; I had a conversation with a staunch atheist friend who believes the same as you: After death, you just get disintegrate to nothingness. THE END. And she just lives to... well, live. And go through the motions.

It's true we choose to turn to religion because they give us better choices. Religions give us value, ensure us that there's more to life after death. And undoubtedly, there are different insights as to what happens to us after we die. People choose a certain religion because they can accept what that particular religion says about their "future after death".

For the Buddhist and the Hindu, I think they believe in karma, and that you'll re-born into some other form. The better you were in human form, the better physical state you'll find yourself. Eventually, you have to work yourself up to the stage of Nirvana (which, I heard, is quite a challenge.)

The Mosleem and the Christian believe in heaven and hell. However, they differ in the sense that the Mosleem attains different levels of heaven by their works on Earth, if I'm not wrong. They live by a "demerit point system", so to say. The more times you pray, the less you smoke/drink, if you go to Mekkah and perform the rituals, your "points" will accumulate to a certain amount, which determines your abode in heaven. Or if you're bad, in hell.

Apart from the concept that heaven is for the good people and hell for the bad, the Christian perspective differs from that of the Mosleem.

The whole idea of Christianity revolves around a simple concept: Grace. Grace means you get something you don't actually deserve - because you are loved. It's bizarre but true- we believe God is a God of love. (And he certainly is to me!) God sent His son, Jesus to Earth 2000 yrs ago to die for us on the cross as an atonement to our sin. Sin is inborn nature in any human... We sometimes think sin refers to the big stuff like stealing and killing, but the mere act of selfishness is also, albeit a little sin. (and we are ALL kiasu, it's not just a Singaporean thing, lol.)

You see, to be a Supreme Being, God cannot overwrite His rules. According to His rules, because of sin we must die, and we most probably would end up in hell. But God is love! I'm sure anyone who loves you wishes that you may live & go to heaven, yeah? So how???

God sends Himself in human form (Jesus) down to Earth to take our place of death. He's like our "pengganti". During the 3 days right after His death on the cross, He went to Hades (Hell) and conquered death that we may live and have eternal life after our earthly death.

So that's why they say:
John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

However, there is a condition for this "grace". One must accept, embrace, believe & live it. In layman's terms, let's say you've been a naughty boy. I was about to give you a PS3 but you pulled my hair. I decide that out of kindness & love, I'll still give you the PS3. However, the PS3 is not yours UNLESS you actually take it from me, unless you embrace it as your own. Likewise, to gain this eternal life, Christians accept, embrace & believe that Jesus died for their sins on the cross. And out of this acceptance, a true believer lives it out by abstaining from sin - not because of obligation, but rather because they acknowledge God's grace.

Frankly, among the atheist/ Buddhist / Hindu / Mosleem / Christian concepts of life after death, I like the Christian one the best. :-P That's one of the strong reasons why I'm sticking with my faith. ('One of' meaning there's many more haha... but too long to post here. I've taken up so much of your space d. Loooong comment.)

Oh, yeah... there's real life stories of NDE (Near Death Experiences). As in people die clinically (brain dead & heart stop pumping)... they feel like they float out of their bodies into some tunnel and then they visit heaven or/and hell. And then after a few minutes, they come back to life.

Here's the encounter of a guy who visited my church last year:

Anyway, the bottomline is that we choose what we believe in. When the day of death comes, it might be too late to change our fate - so we should really invest some time into finding the best choice now and live a life we won't regret. ;-) Ask around, google the Internet, get facts and formulate your own system of belief. I hope you'll make a decision you won't regret for eternity. :) God bless!

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops... I think I used the word "atonement" wrongly up there. I meant as an atonement to God for our sins. Whoopsie. :-P

11:04 PM  

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