Thursday, December 14, 2006


6th Dec Wed
After the chemistry olympiad which i totally have no idea wat i was doing...rushed to catch the 4.30 bus..
just reached in time..
luckily..if not also dunno how..
reached bangsar at 9.30pm
damn hungry..ate ramlee burger!!! wa so long never eat such nice and unhealthy burger already..

7th Dec Thurs
went out in the afternooon wif first wanna see movie
but in the end never
end up eating waffle..

8th Dec Fri
went to school to give test..
Kean Ho say 8am
go there no one there
bunch of form6 doing bio stuff..went and find them..saw wan chee, xin yun mei wen
hey din know they were in form 6 lol..such a bad classmate..then went to KANNA to eat how come they close down lorong..stupid!!
finally the boys come at 9 plus..
then giv them exam normal stuff..

at night
my parents all go out..
so invited ppl to my house eat dinner..but be4 that go play bb first..
long time never play.sux liao
after tat..went megah's. 10 ppl man so long never 5 on
then had supper at williams wa..
lots of LAN hua...good old times..really just sit there and talk rubbish
then went Wei Liang's house overnight

8th DEC Sat
early morning go school
sit 12 bus
and then LOST HP!!
stupid how can i lose my hp!!! in the bus long nver sit bus in msia. first time sit like that already..
wth.. today no mood to do anything liao lar..

9th DEC Sun
at night
went Megah again
but this time 7 ppl only
then all go my house watch Chelsea and Arsenal..
wif this bunch of ppl
dun wanna laugh also cannot wan...

10th DEC Mon
morning woke up by Richard's morning frenzy..
then went to eat breakfast!!
then just got back house..
yee xian call to ask us to cao again
nvm lar. at first wanna go 1u wan suddenly he call ok lor...go a while lor..
then play finish 2 games wei liang only come
ok lar..since wei liang come
then play 1 more lor
then so late already..( sorry win jean and patrick..)
then rush to 1utama lor..
then well..dunno wat happen...hoai angry..long story
so the whole day i also no mood already..
but anyway at night went to play bb at BU
no mood but still play lar since even Jeff Fu there already..

11th DEC Tues
Yesterday so tired lar..mentally and physically
woke up at 8 to make orange juice for parents and myself
then went and sleep again
then only wake up at 11 plus...Jian Jun so desperate to cao he ask us go out cao
so ok lor
ask ppl to go again
then finally got 10 ppl at megah...played until evening
then at night go yee xian's house play bb
lol..and the stupidest thing is...jian jun never come for spoilt...
somemore is he call for the thing one..WTH!!
at night play bb no Jian Jun= no quality control

12th DEC Wed
the past few days keep going out only..
siao already
so today stay at home guai guai waste time at home.....

13th DEC TODAY!!
after a day's rest yesterday..finally feel refreshed...can wake up at 8 am and not feel tired..did some homework...chatted wif chern han at msn..then decided to blog..
if not i later sure forget how i spent my time here..Today morning also thought bout how i gonna go through my so many things to do
MAterial Science Quiz
House Com event
and still got studies..shit!!

oh well
next week i'll continue from here to tell myself wat i have done the past week..its funny u know
ppl always say dun look back..must look at the future..
so how come ppl always blog about their past and not their future...
ppl should start a blog that goes like this..tomorrow this, this, this, this and this is going to happen....something like that..a blog that tries to predict the future at not look back at events that have past..wouldn't that be cool


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