Saturday, July 21, 2007


I read from somewhere that we should write down our happy and sad moments each day, so that in the future, we can look back and revisit our happy, or sad moments( especially helpful if u wanna be an actor or a musician and wanna play a happy, or sad piece like "Medidations" =p) to reflect on our life...and learn from it!!!

here i go..
Happy moment(s) this week: Happy to have friends that are well, really nice friends..(sorry if i like to shout on the pitch hor for those who play Ultimate wif me.. =p)

Sad moment(s) this week: realise how i missed the feeling of being in love...haha its all Jensen fault for asking me to play Meditations..make me all melancholic when i play that song.

haha anyway gonna upload pictures that i took wif my phone real soon..
stay tuned!!


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