Tuesday, December 19, 2006


erm...no offence to anyone out there who thinks i'm ridiculing their religion. I'm not. Just being the atheist i am.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
"And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."
-Genesis I-

but it wasn't all that good..humans had diseases, were eaten by savage beasts, ruled by evil tyrants, killed each other over women, land, food, gold, spices, oil....., had an ice age, starved, had relationship problems, had the problem of fear, loneliness, timidness....all the weaknesses humans supposedly have...

So Man created GOD in his own image, in the image of MAN created he HE; And men and women alike saw the thing they had made, and, behold, He was very good.

I feel dejected. restless. disappointed with myself. I wanna cry. Heck, i cry so easily nowadays. I was watching Shrek 2. and tears rolled out when Charming kissed Princess Fiona. ( in case u are wondering, the director wanted us to believe that she drank a love potion that will make her fall in love wif the first person she kiss)(Princess Fiona is supposed to be wif Shrek, not Charming..if u still can't get it)
I need something or someone to give me hope, strength, determination..
and who else has such awesome power???
Sometimes i wish i believe..
Maybe i would be stronger;maybe i would feel better to hav an Higher Being to lean on to..
who cares if there is really one, if it works, it works right..
maybe its the placebo effect...who knows??
but it won't work now..not when i believe the pill i ate is the placebo..

An Atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer, but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it.

its harder said than done huh?
ain't the same wif all things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew you would get to this point of life eventually, like every other human being - feeling hopeless and meaningless.

FIrstly, you misinterpreted what GOd meant by "it was very good". It doesn't mean it was PERFECT. SOmething perfect has no meaning for its existence. CAn you imagine a perfect human life where there is no sadness at all, no disease, no hunger? HOw then can there be love, patience, tolerance, altruism and many other qualities be expresses?
Do you want a perfect life where you can just live alone, with others happily or you want a life where you can get care and help from ppl when you're in deep disease or trouble?

GOd does not want to create a perfect world where everything revolves perfectly. He can just stand there and look at the world and then.. nothing else. Initially everything was "perfect" - the natural food chain, the human body, the blood system.. you can notice our body and function perfectly without disturbance. BUT He also created a possibility of everything being "NOT PERFECT" by planting free will into this world. where people can choose whether they want to pollute the environment, to do immoral activities and get AIDS, died miserably, to kill others out of jealousy and then war began. He created a WOrld with CONSEQUENCES. that's all.
It was VERY GOOD. Tell me, which part was not good?
Natural disaster is another question. It's GOd's intervention for his divine purpose in this world and we cant fully understand this.
NOw you have to accept this idea that GOd cannot be fully understood. YOu might think that it's a cowardly escape from explaning things but it's not.
The creator would always be more complex than the creation. NO matter what we do, the computer can never be as complex as the human being. Consequently, GOd is more complex than us and therefore we can never understand him.
Just imagine - we only live in a certain dimension of this world. Bats live in another dimension of ultrasonic sound. Bacteria lives in a world of nanoscale. If GOd created all these things, and we're just a small part of this dimension of the WORLD created by Him, how can we understand Him where we couldnt even understand what his creation PERCEIVE the world e.g. animals of different dimensions? So it's a futile effort in trying to explain God.

Man created God to search for meaning? Very True. That's why there're SUn God, ROck GOd, water God.. they're worshipping CREATION of an ultimate God. WHy don't you go to the source of all things and worship HIM instead?

7:56 AM  
Blogger Flo said...


I mailed you at your gmail...

1:40 AM  

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